Before School Care: 7:00am – 8:45am
Cobbler Creek OSHC serves breakfast to any hungry children up until 8:00am daily. Breakfast includes a large range of cereals, toast and spreads but we also offer a ‘special breakfast’ one day per week (for more info, take a look at our menu on our website!)
Each morning, children have the opportunity to play in the many areas that we have open. To encourage differentiation and spontaneous play, the areas open change day to day.
At 8:30am, we split into a Juniors and Seniors group to complete the roll. Once children are signed out they are able to make their way to class independently and Educators drop the Reception children off to their classes to ensure a safe start to the day.
After School Care: 3:05pm – 6:00pm
Our Educators pick up all Reception children from their classrooms and bring them to OSHC to ensure a safe arrival. All children must sign into OSHC and wash their hands.
Afternoon tea is offered at 3:05pm to ensure children have full bellies when they are playing. We also offer fruit and veggies throughout the session to keep everyone feeling full and happy.
During After School Care, we have a variety of programmed activities, as well as opportunity for independent learning and spontaneous play.
Pupil Free Day: 7:00am – 6:00pm
We offer all day care for families on any pupil free days communicated by the school. There are a variety of activities offered on the day, which is broken down into a series of mini sessions to keep everyone busy.
Please pack children recess, lunch, a drink bottle and a hat for the day.
Vacation Care: 7:00am – 6:00pm
We strive to offer fun and exciting Vacation Care programs that provide learning opportunities and a bunch of fun for all of our children. Vacation Care involves a mixture of Home Days, Incursions and Excursions to keep things interesting.
Please pack children recess, lunch, a drink bottle and a hat for the day.
Phone: 825 15291
Mobile: 0434 365 589
Address: 140 Bicentennial Drive